<--- %%NOBANNER%% --> lv6tov8.sas

/*-------------------<-- Start of Description -->--------------------\
| Convert a directory of SAS V6 datasets, views and catalogs to V8;  |
|---------------------<-- End of Description -->---------------------|
|-----------<-- Start of Files or Arguements Needed-->---------------|
| Arguments:                                                         |
|    directory - the directory of V6 datasets;                       |
|    memtype - the type of SAS files you want to convert;            |
|------------<-- End of Files or Arguements Needed-->----------------|
|------------------<-- Start of Files Created-->---------------------|
| Example: %lv6tov8("D:\Software Temp\SAS Temporary Files");         |
| Usage:   %lv6tov8(directory, memtype=DATA VIEW CATALOG);           |
\------------------<-- Start of Files Created-->--------------------*/
%macro lv6tov8(directory, memtype=DATA VIEW CATALOG);
| Author:  Duo Zhou;                          |
| Created: 11-28-2001 9:56pm;                 |
| Purpose: Convert a directory of SAS V6 data |
|          sets to V8 data sets;              |
%local onotes ov6path ov8path ntype mtype tmptype _tmplast_;
%let _tmplast_=&syslast;
%let directory=%sysfunc(dequote(&directory));
%let memtype=%sysfunc(dequote(&memtype));
%let mtype=%upcase(%trim(%left(&memtype)));
%let ntype=%words(&mtype);
%let memtype=;
%do _i_=1 %to &ntype;   
   %let tmptype=%qscan(&mtype,&_i_,%str( ));
   %if %quote(&tmptype)=%quote(DATA) or 
       %quote(&tmptype)=%quote(VIEW) or
       %quote(&tmptype)=%quote(CATALOG) %then %do;
      %let memtype= %trim(%left(&memtype)) &tmptype;
   %else %do;
      %put ==> Alert! I can%str(%')t recognize "&tmptype", I can take only "DATA", "VIEW" and "CATALOG".;
%if &directory ^= %then %do;
   %let ov6path=%sysfunc(pathname(testv6));
   LIBNAME TestV6 v6 "&directory";
   %let ov8path=%sysfunc(pathname(testv8));
   LIBNAME TestV8 "&directory";
   proc copy in=testv6 out=testv8 memtype=(&memtype) index=yes clone;
    %if (not %index(%quote(&memtype), %str(CATALOG))) %then %do;
      proc cport lib=TestV6 file='CV6toV8.xpt' memtype=CATALOG;
      proc cimport lib=TestV8 infile='CV6toV8.xpt';
    %if "&ov6path" = "" %then %do; libname TestV6 clear;      %end;
    %else                     %do; libname TestV6 "&ov6path"; %end;
    %if "&ov8path" = "" %then %do; libname TestV8 clear;      %end;
    %else                     %do; libname TestV8 "&ov8path"; %end;
%else %do;
   %let onotes=%sysfunc(getoption(notes, keyword));
   options nonotes;
   data _null_;
      length x $80;
      put ' Macro, LV6toV8, converts a Version 6 library to Version 8.            ';
      put ' It copies all members to the same physical directory, but with        ';
      put ' the Version 8 engine and file extensions.  The call is as follows:    ';
      x = '     %' || 'LibV6toV8(directory, memtype=data view catalog);';
      put x $char.;
      put ' NOTE:  The engine you specify for a subsequent libref will show only  ';
      put '        members created by that engine.  If you wish to return the V6  ';
      put '        space to the operating system, you will need to delete the V6  ';
      put '        members via PROC DATASETS or with an OS command.  Uses libnames';
      put '        TestV6 and TestV8.  Attampts to restore using default engine.  ';
      put '        If you specify the parameter "catalog", LV6toV8 uses PROC COPY ';
      put '        rather than PROC CPORT/CIMPORT to convert SAS catalog members. ';
      put '        "catalog" is the only valid value for this paramter.  If any   ';
      put '        other value appears, including blan (omitted), the PROC CPORT/ ';
      put '        CIMPORT combination is used.  Use this parameter to convert/   ';
      put '        SASUSER libraries which contain WINLIB, WSAVE, and WINPRINT    ';
      put '        entries which CPORT will not transport and PROC COPY will.     ';
   options &onotes;
%let syslast=&_tmplast_;
%mend lv6tov8;